Brief Description
The add-on “Retrofit for Concrete” contains the EN1998-1-1, Part 3 provisions and design checks for the assessment and redesign of existing buildings and for the application of reinforcement technics to existing columns and beams cross-sections.
The structure can be analyzed by applying the nonlinear static analysis method. It also includes production of the construction plans, formworks and reinforcement detailing, the bill of materials and full production of the technical report.
Analysis Methods
[infobox color=”#7bb0d8″ icon=”arrow-right”]The most reliable structural analysis method[/infobox]
- Preliminary design performing linear static analysis method
- Preliminary design performing response spectrum analysis method
- Linear static analysis considering two methods based on (i) the uniform behavior factor q and (ii) the local ductility factors m
- Nonlinear static analysis method (Pushover)
- The most reliable structural analysis method
- Accurate derivation of the stress resultants and the deformed shape of the structure
- Direct localization of the “weak” regions on the structure
- Definition of the nonlinear relation of the bending moment versus the plastic hinge rotation of each edge of the structural element
- Analytical calculation all appropriate engineering demand parameters (stress resultants, deformations etc.) in each step of the Pushover analysis.
Seismic Design – Design Checks (EN1998-3)
[infobox color=”#7bb0d8″ icon=”arrow-right”]Drawing of the capacity curve of the structure and its equivalent bilinear curve[/infobox]
- All the requisite seismic load combinations needed for the Pushover analysis method. Calculation of the target displacement according to the Eurocode 8, Part 3 (EN1998-3) and the Eurocode 8, Part 1, Annex B provisions.
- Drawing of the capacity curve of the structure and its equivalent bilinear curve.
- Check of the criteria about the adverse effect of the presence of the masonry infills on an existing structure and the automatic resistance check in each step of the Pushover analysis, according to the Eurocode 8, Part 3 (EN1998-3) provisions.
Assessment & Redesign of existing reinforced concrete structures (EN1998-3)
[infobox color=”#7bb0d8″ icon=”arrow-right”]Easy and fast configuration of the existing steel reinforcement[/infobox]
- Easy and fast configuration of the existing steel reinforcement of the structural elements through the user friendly editors and automatic adjustment of the strength of the existing materials, according to national regulations.
- Rehabilitation and reinforcement of cross-sections according to national regulations. with all materials allowed:
- Columns: jackets of cast reinforced concrete and shotcrete, fiber reinforced polymers, steel laminates and confinement technics.
- Beams: Layers of cast reinforced concrete or shotcrete, laminates, fiber reinforced polymers.
- Automatic calculation of the interaction surface of the ultimate uniaxial/biaxial bending moment resistance and the axial force M-N of the composite cross section of different materials (old – new material).
- Run of all design checks proposed in national regulations and automatic calculation of the number of dowels according to the corresponding design checks.
- Full library of materials used for rehabilitation and reinforcement based on , products made by Sika®.
- Integration of Fischer’s software for the optimal calculation of chemical and mechanical anchors based on products made by .
- Detailing designs and full printouts of all design checks proposed by national regulations with table results and supervisory sketches of the cross-sections.
Production of structural drawings - Layout and detailing of reinforcement (EC2)
[infobox color=”#7bb0d8″ icon=”arrow-right”]Rich toolbox with many commands specifically for editing[/infobox]
- Automatic production of the structural drawings – detailing of the reinforcement. A stand-alone powerful editor is provided.
- Rich toolbox with many commands specifically for editing.
- Rich libraries with ready to use symbols, annotations and sketching details.
- Automatic layout of the beams and columns reinforcements.
- Ability to edit column steel reinforcement with automatic check of the capacity of cross-section and real time redesign of the reinforcement.
- Automatic production of the drawing plan, elevation and section view of a steel connection.
- Export in DWG or DXF file format.
Bill of materials
[infobox color=”#7bb0d8″ icon=”arrow-right”]Export in TXT or XLS file format[/infobox]
- Bill of materials for a reinforced concrete structure either per type of structural member, per elevation or for the whole structure.
- Export in TXT or XLS file format.
- Complete and detailed bill of materials for the steel structure per elevation, per section or type of structural member (columns, beams, girders, purlins, bracing etc.).
Report of the project
[infobox color=”#7bb0d8″ icon=”arrow-right”]Automatic creation of the report, based on relevant regulations[/infobox]
- User friendly interface for the creation and editing of the report. Selection of the chapters to be included in the report.
- Automatic creation of the report, based on relevant regulations.
- Many capabilities in editing the report: header and footer tools, chapter positioning, table of contents etc.
- Beams results also include envelope diagrams of internal forces.
- Use of a stand-alone user interface for the preview of the report. Export in one of the following file formats: RTF, PDF, HTML, PPRT, XLSX.
- Well organized, tabulated results of both the assessment and redesign of the reinforced concrete structures as well as the design of load bearing masonry structures. Accompanying drawings and other details for better comprehension.