Analysis and design of steel structures and connections
SCADA Pro Steel
It includes the basic application SCADA Pro Analysis and the add-on of the design of metal structures based on EC3, as well as the control of connections.
Brief Description
SCADA Pro Steel is a complete and comprehensive application for static and dynamic analysis and design of Steel structures according to Eurocodes and most European National Annexes. SCADA Pro includes also, the National Building Codes of Greece (EAK), Italy (NTC2008), Poland (LGOM) and Saudi (SBC).
It consists of the basic suite (SCADA Pro Analysis) and the additional tool (add-on) about the design of steel structures and steel connections according to EC3 and SBC306.
It also includes 3D dwg model drawings, connections detailing drawings, bill of materials and full report of the project.
New and easy to use ribbon based interface, with navigation tree
Versatile and user-friendly interface (Ribbon technology by Microsoſt).
Navigation tree which includes all the model’s data for easy finding and editing.
Display of the member’s properties for immediate verification and modification.
Capability of adjustment of the entity’s colors (e.g. columns, beams) as well as the interface according to the user needs.
Unlimited number of nodes, linear and surface finite elements.
Automatic identification process of cross-sections and creation of the structural physical and mathematical model from any 2D or 3D DXF or DWG file.
Unlimited number of nodes, linear and surface finite elements.
Library of parametrically defined structural templates and elements (frames, steel trusses, surfaces, timber, masonry).
Complete library of standard profiles of steel (hot roiled and cold formed), timber, concrete and arbitrary section profiles.
Rich library of masonry units and mortars including the ability for the user to enter custom wall specifications.
Unlimited capabilities of simulation for inclined beams, columns with arbitrary section, slabs with openings, shells, silos, mezzanines, swimming pools etc.
Input of mixed structures made of concrete, steel, wood.
Mixed and different level foundations with footings, beams on elastic foundation, connection beams, aft foundation, with full interaction superstructure – foundation.
Automatic finite element mesh generator for modeling of irregular geometry, holes/gaps/openings and stress concentration regions (adaptive meshing). Direct identification and matching of nodes of linear and surface elements.
All the types of linear and surface finite elements are included in order to model any complex structure.
Library of beam finite elements (Beam-3D, Truss-3D, Linear springs, Beam on elastic Foundation with or without rigid offsets) and surface finite elements (shell 4 node, plane stress, plane strain, axisymmetric, all with isotropic or orthotropic properties).
Smart tools for editing or displaying properties of one or more structural elements by selection of layer, group, color or other properties.
A new mesh generator of surface finite elements is provided. Surfaces of any shape may be modelled. Easy meshing no matter what the pattern of holes or stress concentration points are.
Automatic mesh generation. The nodes of neighboring linear and surface elements are automatically coincide.
Point insertion for the meshing adaptation around it. Capability for hole insertion in an already produced mesh.
Contours concerning the stress resultants, the strains or the computed reinforcement percentage As may be drawn.
Any kind of material may be attributed to a mesh.
Analysis Types
Γρήγοροι και αξιόπιστοι επιλύτες για να είστε σίγουροι για τα αποτελέσματα
All the types of analysis are included
Linear simplified spectral method (Equivalent spectral method).
Linear dynamic spectral method.
Multithreading CPU – GPU accelerated analysis
ACE SFS™ – Super-Fast Solver offers multi-core analysis and GPU threading
Accelerate the analysis of very large models using either a multicore processor of a pc (CPU) or a graphics processor (GPU) taking advantage of the analysis solver parallelism.
64-bit technology for ultimate accuracy and speed.
Unlimited number of loadings: snow, wind, temperature change, impact, fire, etc.
All load types are supported, e.g. uniformly distributed forces, concentrated forces, nodal forces, torsional moments, settlement, thermal actions etc.
Self-weight is automatically calculated and may be optionally excluded in the analysis.
Automatic distribution of load on a 2D or 3D Mesh surface.
Automatic generation of all combinations of loads, seismic and / or non-seismic based to EC0.
Automatic import and calculation of wind and snow loads according to EC1 and SBC301.
Three-dimensional representation, of the load of the structure, on the respective members, for direct supervision and control.
Display messages for potential errors, in model geometry of structure and the loads of beams and columns.
Automatic recognition of slabs and their respective support conditions.
Modeling of slabs of any shape.
Automatic calculation of thickness based on control of slenderness.
Input of slabs in total or selectively.
Input of ribbed slabs (Zoellner, sandwich).
Display of yield lines and automatic attribution of slab loads to respective bearing beams.
Analysis – Seismic design – Checks EC8
Spectra design and checks based on EC8 and national annexes. Ability to import spectrum from the user.
Categorization of the structure model based on regulations provided in EC8.
Carry out all the checks provided by EC8 (regularity in plan and Elevation, construction type, etc.) and the national annexes.
Automatic creation and calculation of load combinations for both limit states (ULS and SLS).
Seismic Design Criteria according SBC301 Saudi Building Code.
Four Analyses Procedures (Index Force, Simplified, Static and Dynamic Analysis) are included. The Seismic Ground motion values (Ground Motion Acceleration, Site coefficients etc.) are defined automatically according to the Country Regions.
Results – Post Processing
Two-dimensional and Three-dimensional view of loads, diagrams and deformations
Displaying the results of internal forces, deformations and reinforcement of surface finite element in form of contour curves.
Deformation state of structural model with movement in space for any load condition, combination or eigenvalue.
Members’ diagrams, nodes displacements, plate element internal forces, slab strip diagrams view.
Color display of intensive sizes on linear and surface elements, based on the sign.
Display capability of the deformation values based on the color gradation.
Automatic design of any steel and / or mixed-structure, such as industrial buildings, multi-storey steel structures, trusses and canopies, according to EC3 or SBC306.
Classification of the cross section according to EC3 or SBC306 and strength check of sections in all types of tension (tension, compression, bending, shear, torsion, bending and shear, bending and axial force, bending and shear and axial force).
Check the structural element in bending, lateral and torsional buckling.
Design (EC3 Part 1)
Hot-rolled and Cold Formed checks
All necessary checks for the ultimate and serviceability limit states.
Summary and detailed presentation of the results.
Foundations with spread footings, strip footings and connecting footings with beams with automatic sizing and bearing control of steel elements.
For the Cold Formed sections:
Ideal section calculation considering the influence of the rounded corners
Effective section calculation under Compression and Flexure according EN1993-1-3 & EN1993-1-5
Steel connections (EC3 Part 8)
Rich library of steel connections
Rich library of steel connections. Includes more than 130 kind of connections specified in EC3 Part 8.
Σύνδεση δοκού στύλου στον ισχυρό ή στον ασθενή άξονα με μετωπική πλάκα ή μεταλλικά ελάσματα, κοχλιωτή ή συγκολλητή.
Αποκατάσταση συνέχειας δοκού
Συνδέσεις κοιλοδοκών σε όλες τις μορφές
Συνδέσεις γωνιακών σε όλες τις μορφές
Εισαγωγή ενισχύσεων στο πέλμα ή στον κορμό των στοιχείων σύνδεσης
Σύνδεση δοκός επί δοκού
Σύνδεση μεταλλικού υποστυλώματος σε θεμέλιο
Production of structural drawings – Layout and Detailing of Steel Connections (EC3)
Automatic creation of the structural drawings
Automatic creation of the structural drawings. Detailed exportation in 3D dwg format.
Πανίσχυρα εργαλεία και εντολές ειδικά για στατική σχεδίαση.
Libraries with symbols, annotations and sketching details.
Detailed connection drawings exportable in dwg format.
Αυτόματη παραγωγή κάτοψης, όψης και τομής της λεπτομέρειας της μεταλλικής σύνδεσης.
Bill of materials
Bill of material for steel structure
Bill of material per section type, per element type, per level or for the whole structure.
Report of the project
User friendly interface for the creation and editing of the report. Selection of the chapters to be included in the report
Automatic creation of the report, based on relevant regulations.
Many capabilities in editing the report: header and footer tools, chapter positioning, table of contents, pictures etc.
Beams results also include the diagrams of the internal forces.
Use of a stand-alone user interface for the preview of the report. Export in one of the following file formats: RTF, PDF, HTML, PPRT, XLSX.